Troy Andrade
2022 Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching

Professor Troy Andrade of the William S. Richardson School of Law considers himself a direct beneficiary of the legacy of the heart and soul of the Ulu Lehua Scholars Program. Thirty-four prior and current Lehua Scholars write at length about feeling “privileged to call Professor Andrade our inspirational, exceptional, fearless director and leader.” Andrade teaches courses in the areas of social justice lawyering, legal writing, and Hawaiʻi’s legal history, “some of the most time intensive, rigorous and high impact courses at the Law School.” His colleagues describe a generous, hardworking, professional spirit. While incorporating traditional law teaching methods, he also endeavors to make the class accessible so students grasp the tremendous kuleana they must shoulder as future lawyers. One strategy Andrade utilizes is that students roleplay as judges or lawyers as an alternative to using traditional Socratic dialogue. Also, he builds in assessment options throughout the semester rather than a single high stakes exam. But perhaps most important, he takes the law off campus to resources and repositories available across the state.
Thirty-four prior and current Lehua Scholars write at length about feeling “privileged to call Professor Andrade our inspirational, exceptional, fearless director and leader.”
2022 Faculty Awardees