OFDAS Spaces and Innovative Rooms for Faculty
Below are the rooms and spaces that can be requested to be used by Mānoa faculty. OFDAS manages and reviews requests by faculty, and grants approval or vets requests through the appropriate channels.
Dean 104 Culture Lab
The Dean 104 Culture Lab is OFDAS’ newest innovative space for the UH Mānoa community.
Sakamaki Innovation Zone
Conceptualized as three innovative indoor spaces connecting to a common outdoor lanai or courtyard space, the Sakamaki Innovation Zone provides UH Mānoa with innovative course offerings for undergraduate and graduate students all year round for day and evening classes.
These unique innovative spaces are dedicated to scheduling academic courses—not available for other events or activities.
Webster 101 Collaborative Classroom
- Accommodates up to 64 students
- 8 tables, each with a monitor and panel for students to connect their own technology. Each table seats 8.
- Writing surfaces located along all wall surfaces
- Technology podium from which instructors and students can make presentations to the entire room
By providing opportunities for student engagement and community building, the logistics of Webster 101 support collaborative teaching practices.

OFDAS Dossier Libraries
The FMP Tenure and Promotion Dossier Library and the OFDAS Teaching Awards Dossier Library are available for UH Mānoa faculty reservations.
Location: Entry through Kuykendall 107
The Writing Room
Located in Kuykendall, the Writing Room is a space for all Mānoa faculty. If your Mānoa writing group would like a quiet, private place to meet together regularly, please make your request below and someone will respond by email within two days time.
Kuykendall 101 Auditorium
KUY 101 will no longer be managed by OFDAS. Room reservation requests for instructional classes (courses with a CRN) should be made through the University Scheduler:

No longer managed by OFDAS