Stay Relevant: Incorporating Pop Culture in College Classes
Thursday, January 30, 2025
1:00 pm – 2:15 pm
Kuykendall 106 Events Room
We teach popular culture as part of our classes in order to maximize student engagement. Students are quite familiar with popular culture, from media, music to the advertising around them, and integrating popular culture into our teaching can add an exciting new dimension to our classrooms. Through popular culture, we can address the issues we study in our research and in which students live much of their lives.
In this panel we will explore ways to incorporate popular culture into classes, through examples from classes that we teach, such as Asian advertising or popular culture. If you want to engage students through popular culture, this panel will give you ideas on how to use popular culture as a pedagogical tool and model to use in your own classes.
The presenters include Patrick Patterson, specializing in J-pop and advertising, Jayson Chun, specializing in K-pop, anime, and Pop Pacific, and Jade Lum, specializing in video games and Asian Pop Culture.
Presented by
Patrick Patterson
Professor, Asian Studies, Honolulu Community College
Jayson M Chun
Professor, History, UH – West Oahu
Jade Lum
PhD Candidate, English
This event is cosponsored by UH Asian Studies and OFDAS Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE).
Upcoming Events
- Place-Based Book Club on Kanaka ‘Ōiwi Methodologies: Mo‘olelo and Metaphor
- 2025 Sustainability Workshop: Sustainability and Climate Change Across the Curriculum
- Workshop on Lamakū Learning Management System
- Introduction to EndNote Online
- It’s All about Great Teaching
- Film Screening & Discussion of SHAKA, A Story of Aloha
- Spring Virtual Writing Room
- Friday Afternoon Yoga
- Sensory Room Mondays
We strive to host inclusive and accessible presentations. Some events are in person, others online. For online, live captioning will be provided. To request additional accommodations, please email us before the event. Mahalo!