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Aloha Betrayed

    A thorough exploration of Hawaiian history, centering on the 1893 overthrow of the monarchy.


      This book is an ambitious attempt to provide a unique perspective in the complex story of the ahupua‘a of Hā‘ena.

      Hawai‘i Place Names

        Captivating stories behind the hundreds of Hawai‘i place names associated with the ocean

        Secrets of Diamond Head

          History and trail guide as well as info on ancient Hawaiians who erected religious temples on the slopes of the crater known as Lē‘ahi.

          Nā Wāhine Koa

            Documents the political lives of four wāhine koa (courageous women): Moanike‘ala Akaka, Maxine Kahaulelio, Terrilee Keko‘olani-Raymond, and Loretta Ritte

            A Nation Rising

              Chronicles the political struggles and grassroots initiatives collectively known as the Hawaiian sovereignty movement

              Hawaiian Reef Plants

                Easy-to-use comprehensive guide filled with photographs, descriptions and keys to nearly all species of limu in Hawai’i