Sladjana Prisic
2021 Presidential Citation for Meritorious Teaching
Sladjana Prisic is an assistant professor of microbiology in the School of Life Sciences. Prisic successfully mentors many students in the lab setting through a concept she developed called “exponential growth” in which graduate students supervise undergraduate students who in turn mentor high school students. Her National Science Foundation grant provides students with initial training from the UH Biological Safety Office, the Environmental Health & Safety Office, and from Prisic, who closely monitors their progress through weekly meetings and frequent reports. She strives to do more than help students learn microbiology; she supports them to learn who they are and where they want to be. A former student shared, “I would not be a student at the University of California San Francisco School of Dentistry without Professor Prisic’s guidance and help. All the lessons and teachings she provided have impacted other areas of academic studies.” Another said, “her respect for original student ideas was inspirational. I had not realized it then, but her method of teaching had eventually developed me into an independent scientist.”
2021 Teaching Awardees