C. Manu Kaʻiama
2024 Robert W. Clopton Award for Distinguished Community Service

Professor C. Manu Kaʻiama’s extensive service to the community since becoming a full-time faculty in the School of Accountancy in 1991 has embodied the value of servant leadership and exemplifies the pursuit of the growth and learning opportunities for university students that expands beyond them to members of their families and to their communities. In this very significant way, her contributions have been truly transformational and inter-generational in their impact. Professor Kaʻiama leaves a legacy to Hawaiʻi as a driving creative force in the distinct area of generating substantial external grants–more than $11 million in federal funding–that directly influence native Hawaiian students and communities. Her abiding regard for and contributions to our island communities where she is regarded as a valued member has generated a profound integration between the university as an institution and the community it seeks to serve. She has merged her expansive knowledge of financial accounting, tax and audit with that of Hawaiian culture and education to execute grants that support the UH strategic goal of becoming a Hawaiian Place of Learning.
2024 Faculty Awardees