Fall 5-Week Writing Reboot &
Monday Motivator Writing Circle Series
Monday, October 25, 2021
12:30 pm–1:30 pm
Writing Circle
Mondays, November 1, 8, 15, 22
1:30 pm–3:00 pm
Fall Writing Reboot Workshop: Goal Setting, Accountability, and Weekly Writing Circles for Productive Scholarship
Monday, October 25
12:30 pm–1:30 pm
It’s time to reboot your writing routine for fall! In this workshop we will share inspiring practices to boost your writing effectiveness, offer a list of our favorite resources for you to start using right away, and introduce the power and importance of starting (or joining) weekly writing circles to keep you energized and motivated for a productive fall writing season.
If you have been procrastinating, or are just looking for a boost to keep you going strong, this workshop will help get you where you need to go.
In this workshop we will:
- Present tried and true practices for cultivating effective writing habits
- Share a comprehensive list of our favorite resources
- Trade practical tips for productive writing
- Create a 5-week writing plan
- Identify your top barriers to writing and brainstorm solutions
- Discuss best practices for starting your own writing circle!
- Experience Q&A with participants of a successful writing circle
Participants who are ready to apply what they have learned right away are encouraged to sign up for the first Monday Motivator Writing Circle which will take place immediately following this workshop to put what you have learned into practice.
Monday Motivator Writing Circle Series: Goal Setting, Accountability, and Dedicated Zoom Writing Time
Mondays, October 25 and November 1, 8, 15, 22
1:30 pm–3:00 pm
Let’s get writing! In our Fall Writing Reboot Workshop, we discuss the power and importance of starting (or joining) a weekly writing circle to keep you energized and motivated for a productive fall writing season. In this 5-week series we will put this into practice by meeting each week for dedicated writing time, goal setting and accountability. Participants will draw from their 5-week writing plan created as part of the Fall Writing Reboot Workshop to help them stay focused on their writing tasks. As part of this series, participants will be invited into small groups to create their personalized Monday Motivator Writing Circle. Each week we will meet for a moment altogether, and then breakout into our circles to jump right into accountability and goal sharing.
The format is simple:
- 30 minutes of goal setting and accountability with your writing group
- 1 hour of optional writing time
At the end of the 5-weeks you will walk away with more energy and inspiration for your writing, you will be a more productive scholar, and you might even choose to keep your circle going after the series has ended because it works so well.
Workshop and series presented by
Miku Lenentine, PhD, Environmental Social Science and Affiliate Faculty, Center for Teaching Excellence
This event is sponsored by the OFDAS Faculty Mentoring Program.
Questions? Contact Us.