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Home | Events | FMP Summer Dossier Series | Scholarly Metrics for Tenure and Promotion

Scholarly Metrics for Tenure and Promotion: Quantifying Research Impact

Wednesday, June 19, 2024
11:30 am – 12:45 pm

Kuykendall 106 Events Room

What are the tools and methods for providing quantitative assessments of research productivity? What metrics could you use to help explain the importance of your research work to those who are outside of your subject area and may not know the top journals? This presentation will show the resources provided by Hamilton Library to assist you in determining both standardized metrics of research impact, such as the H-index and Journal Impact Factor, and personalized measures such as altmetrics and article level metrics. No matter the field, from humanities to sciences, including such quantitative measures in your dossier can help you to demonstrate the impact of your work.

Presented by

Jonathan Young, MS, MLIS, PhD
Science and Technology Reference Librarian, UHM Hamilton Library

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