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Getting Started with OER

Tuesday, October 1, 2024
12:00 pm – 1:15 pm
Kuykendall 106 Events Room

What are Open Educational Resources? How do they fit into textbook affordability at UH Mānoa? Which exciting projects are already in the works? This introductory session will answer these questions and more, showcasing major adoptions and innovative OER publishing happening at UHM and across the UH system. Come find out why so many courses are switching to OER, and how faculty and instructors can get support adopting and customizing OER for their courses.

Presented by

Billy Meinke
OER Technologist, Outreach College

Jacob Algrim
Graduate Assistant, Outreach College

This event is co-sponsored by the UHM Outreach College and OFDAS Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE).