Articulating Foundations Written Communication and Writing Intensives in UH General Education
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Online Event
General education can be an effective tool to ensure that students build useful skills across a college curriculum. The construction of these skills, however, requires collaboration between educators at different pedagogical steps. At UH, learning how to effectively write is institutionalized in our FW and WI requirements. FW courses are taught in a non-discipline specific manner and are focused on introducing notions of information literacy, strategic reading and writing, and variable writing styles. How these skills translate and are strategically built upon and elaborated in WI courses is often unclear, and instructors often have different expectations of what students already know. This panel seeks to address this lack of clarity to produce better articulation between FW and WI General Education requirements by highlighting what skills are the most important to teach at the FW level, what skills WI instructors find the most challenging to teach, and what instructors at each of these levels wish the others knew.
Presented by
Priscilla Faucette
Director of the English Language Institute, Second Language Studies
Georganne Nordstrom
Director of the UHM Writing Center, English
Thomas Shea
Associate Professor, Earth Sciences
Justin Walguarnery
Assistant Professor, School of Life Sciences
Sarah Allen
Associate Professor, English—Moderator
Seth Quintus
Associate Professor, Anthropology—Moderator
This event is sponsored by the Foundations Board, Writing Focus Board, General Education Office, and the OFDAS Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE).
Upcoming Events
- Place-Based Book Club on Kanaka ‘Ōiwi Methodologies: Mo‘olelo and Metaphor
- 2025 Sustainability Workshop: Sustainability and Climate Change Across the Curriculum
- Workshop on Lamakū Learning Management System
- Introduction to EndNote Online
- It’s All about Great Teaching
- Film Screening & Discussion of SHAKA, A Story of Aloha
- Spring Virtual Writing Room
- Friday Afternoon Yoga
- Sensory Room Mondays
We strive to host inclusive and accessible presentations. Some events are in person, others online. For online, live captioning will be provided. To request additional accommodations, please email us before the event. Mahalo!