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Brian Richardson


Librarian, Hamilton Library, Business, Humanities, and Social Sciences Reference

Brian is a public services librarian at Hamilton Library, where he focuses on expanding the library’s online educational resources and serving as the liaison to the College of Education. One of his overarching goals is to enhance the library’s role in the education process, which includes information literacy, building research skills, and developing Hamilton Library’s loanable technology collection.

Originally from Canada, Brian has lived in Hawai‘i for roughly 30 years, starting off as a graduate student in Political Science and then working at Windward Community College for 12 years. He won the Board of Regents Excellence in Teaching award at WCC in 2006. His teaching experience includes courses in Political Science, Philosophy, and Library and Information Science. Brian’s presentations for the library range from library basics for first-year students, to specialized databases for graduate students, to open workshops on such topics as Zotero and HathiTrust.

Brian’s fields of research include website design in higher education and 18th and 19th century European exploration in the Pacific. He has written a book on the voyages of Captain Cook entitled Longitude and Empire: How Captain Cook’s Voyages Changed the World and also edited the journal of James Macrae, the botanist on the HMS Blonde that visited Hawaiʻi in 1825.